Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to get the strength to break up with someone you love?

How to get the strength to break up with someone you love?

he is my fianc茅, he moved to another country 3months ago. Recently i felt a change.. he told me that he asked a girl on msn to strip for him, and now while i'm home he went out with a girl and her friends to celebrate.

we have been together for 3years, we were the perfect couple and i was very happy. i knew him when i was 19 and he was my first love. we never stayed mad at each other for more than a couple of hour and i always felt that our relation was becoming stronger and stronger.

i'm so sad, few weeks ago we were talking about getting married in November, now everything fell apart.

will i find love again? i feel like a looser, what should i do??How to get the strength to break up with someone you love?
love... ok, if you love someone the last thing you would think about is to leave them, so my dear seems as if you haven't found love as yet, no worries you live you learn.How to get the strength to break up with someone you love?
You have to tell yourself that you deserve better! And you have to believe it. Confide in your family and friends, and they'll help give you the strength. From personal experience, what's important to you now at 19 will be much different at 25. Have fun and live your life right now, the way you want to. You aren't the loser, he is. You will find love again, in time. Just don't go looking for it, let it happen naturally when you're over this jerk.
I say you go out, you start talking to other guys or start going out on dates! the best way to leave or get over someone is by meeting new people! And if you don't want to leave him then you guys need to work on trust, it's okay if he goes out once in a while as long as he has you in mind, and the whole web-cam striptease....that's a big no no!!!! but why is he telling you all this, maybe he wants you to break up with him.. idk think about!
well faith. im sorry ok. i know its hard. me i had a crush we were neighbors. well we were young. we didn/t stop and think. we broke up in 74 or 75. i know i couldn/t let her down. we buried the hatchet. in march 2001. god helped us. ask god to help ya today.
Why not make amends. If it was jsut about the marriage. Then dont get married.

Break up, wait a few months, then contact him again. 3 years is hard to do...
it will be easier to just do it not wait

if you watch it any longer you might lose more faith and that could take away strength
If he is seeking other for pleasure than why stay in the relationship?...if he tell you over the phone what he had done then that does not make him a man. you are not a loser. i think you should leave him and give him the break up knews the same way he told you about what he has done...you can do better. I know cause iv been through the same ordeal as you...i was with a guy for 6 years he never appreciated me and told me thing that i didn't want to hear while we were apart...and now that iv left his sorry butt im am happier then ever and in love with a wonderful man who respects me and gave me the one thing iv wanted more, my first child.

you can do i believe you can, be that independent women i know that you have inside you...take care and be strong for you now and your future...
Heartbreak is a gift. It's such a strong emotion, you will rarely feel it in your life outside of birth and death. It's difficult, but some day you will look back fondly on the moment since you will never be able to forget it. It is for the best though.

I know, I've been modeling professionally for most of my adult life and I've had many wonderful relationships, and the feeling when they end is awful. However, I look back at each and I have learned from them all. I'm now strong, not physically, physically I'm already a pretty imposing specimen, but emotionally I'm stronger.
DARLIN'! I feel for you! that's so horrible! I hate to see that happening to someone! %26gt;.%26lt;

Look I have a solution, I know this is hard, but the guy isn't into you anymore because he isn't. He's probably not ready to commit. HE IS NOT THE MAN FOR YOU!

You need to break up with him. getting a girl to strip on web cam and off with someone else new years eve, some girl. PFFT. What a prick! I'm sorry if that's offensive but it's the truth! He shouldn't be doing that crap to you! Don't PUT up with it. DON't you dare! You have a life to live. You deserve someone who treats YOU right. Someone who loves you enough to not do that sort of thing.

You are not a loser! no matter how you feel like it! Dump this idiot with your head held high and walk away with a smile on your faceknowing you did the right thing. Knowing you are a STONG independant woman! You can do this!

You will find someone one day who treats you right %26lt;3 there is someone out there for everyone! %26lt;3 GOOD LUCK ON FINDING YOUR PRINCE CHARMING JUST GET RID OF THAT TOAD! You have to kiss loads of toads before you reach your charming :)
You're beautiful. Yes you will find love again, an even better love than you've ever felt. I know it's hard but all you can do is think about how much better it will be after it's all said and done. Yeah, it will hurt at first but as time goes on that pain will turn into happiness because you know he's not hurting you. He's a complete *** for doing all that to you. Find yourself a real man and let him know he doesn't mean crap to you anymore %26lt;3 Just think about all the bad he's done to you and tell him you're done. You're not a loser .. he is! So go find another man when you're ready. A real one. Cuz' he is out there! No matter what, Don't stay with the guy though. He's not worth your time.
although it doesn't seem like it now, you will find love again. this guy clearly doesn't appreciate you, and he definitely isn't respecting you. as your fiance, he should be one hundred percent committed to you. in my opinion, having a girl strip for him is cheating! he's doing things that make you uncomfortable and sad. that's not how you should feel when you're engaged to be married to someone. i know it's so hard, but you have end the relationship. in my experience, it's best to just break it off and not look back. the sooner you get rid of him entirely, the sooner the right man will enter your life, and that man will never treat you like that. trust me. it will be ok.
He is a looser to loose an Angel like you. You need to move on, considering that he has changed, you loved him for what he was, not for what he is rite now. I know its hard but, think of it this way, if you marry him. You will not be able to be happy knowing that he is sorta pleasure driven person, and has already lost respect in your eyes. I think it should give you some strength.

I guarantee you that you will be able to find your true love but, you cannot spend your life with a person just because you are not sure of getting your true love again.
Like your name says, ';Have faith, Faith!'; You're not to blame here. What you need to do is talk with your fiance and explain to him exactly whats on your mind and how you feel. If he truly loves you he will listen and work with you. If not, then at least you'll know he might not be the one for you.

It really is hard to have these talks but they NEED to happen in order for the knot to be undone. You'll feel a whole lot better afterward and either way you'll be moving on with your life instead of being in a stand still.

From what you wrote you seem like a very caring individual. If he can't see that in you then maybe someone else will someday. My prayers are with you both!

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