Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Do we all grieve over losing someone we love break up please can someone answer this question if they no from?

sandra i need to know ssomething but want it to be answerd best way i can as real life reality



kamasutrakinginbed@yahoo.com says:

uknow anne ended with me



kamasutrakinginbed@yahoo.com says:

last month it was it like

well uknow i been putting letters through her door so i not gave her chance to miss me or grieving



kamasutrakinginbed@yahoo.com says:

well all month why i been putting these letters through door iv been grieving and crying so much

i not gave her chance to miss me i guess although i not seen her alot do u think she will grieve when she realises i left her alone



i do

kamasutrakinginbed@yahoo.com says:

coz i feel like im kinda over her now i feel she feels same way


but idont think youe over her

kamasutrakinginbed@yahoo.com says:

i not

it easyer but still horrible

and i still cry all time

all month i been getting over her she hasnt had chance to get over me coz all the letters so she hasnt had chance to miss me


basicly me and my girlfriend were together 5 years we split up last month we were very close

i no its not fair but all month i been writting her letters begging her to take me back and saying howmuch i want us to be happy and iwanna marry her and all this were i love her so much but same time she been ignoring me and all month iv been crying so much it almost killed me so painful crying 24/7 that was me grieving she knows she can just get me back as i havent gave her space as i keeped putting letterd through her door she knows how i feel about her and i no she reads them,well

i not gave her a chanceto miss me but why i been posting these letters i been beaking down missing her heartbroken were she rejected me she obversly hasnt as she hasnt felt the lose of mei hardly seen her in 3 months as we been on and off but had small contact on phone i not her from her on phone for a month but in this month i been putting nots through her door i have left her alone now and no letters iv grieved but mabt she hasnt asi keped putting letters through her door

now i have left her aone will she grieve?or will she feel ow i do now i dont feel like i did ecause iv cryed so much were i have grieved but she hasn as i not gave her chance to realise im gone i hope you understand what i trying to say will she go through the grieving if she hasnt already?we were so close so sweet together and so happy onse but she got depressed please genuine only im so low

im sorry my spelling not great im disletsic i love her so much she hurt me thats why the letters because i was realy hurt will she go through the greiving if she already hasnt

many thanksDo we all grieve over losing someone we love break up please can someone answer this question if they no from?
Either you grieve, or your ex-hole will call every 2 days, until a year later you call her back and become reminded of why you cut her loose, and then you really regret that. Don't try to get back together, even if she said yes, nothing will be the same again.Do we all grieve over losing someone we love break up please can someone answer this question if they no from?
The person that did the breaking up doesn't usually hurt as much as the person that got dumped. The person that did the breaking up wants out of the relationship so they will be happier once the break up happens. The person that was dumped is left being sad, alone, and lost.
You need to get over her! Seriously!

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