How do you break up with someone you love and care?How to break up with someone you care %26amp; love?
U have one valid reason to leave him that is He smokes weed and probably this is the root cause of all his other problems(Impatient,moody,pissed for anything).
He is reserved in letting you go out is not a bad thing normally but looks weird if he never allows.
I think u should wait for sometime if he improves himself.In worst case you will have no option other than dumping him.How to break up with someone you care %26amp; love?
well the worst way to break up with someone is over the phone or through a text message. so maybe meet up with the person and take a walk or something. tell him how yu feel about the relationship, and tht its just not feeling right for yu. ask him how they feel about the relationship..and dont say the line, I HOPE WE CAN STILL BE FRIENDS, think of smthing else clever. be unique and be very careful of howw yu tell him yu want to break up because yu have to imagine how yu would feel if someone was to break up with yu. good luck.
You said it all. He doesn't trust you. And without trust, there can never, NEVER, be true love. You only think you love him. Probably because he's got a controlling hold on you. He'll never admit that, but it's true. And without honest, there can be not trust. And you know what that means. Break up with him in the most gentle way you can. There's no sense make a mess and big screaming argument over it. That won't help anyone. Just do it firmly but gently. A white lie as any excuse would be ok in this instance. Good Luck.
if you love him or her why stop loving. but if they have a problem like drinking,drugs, he hits you etc. then leave this is what my mom told me. Don't just fall in love but see if he could be the father of your kids. and what my dad told me see how many fails you can take because no one is perfect
you dont. do not take love for granted..
im not judging you by the way but if you are thinking of doing it you will sorely regret it later. (unless they have done something to you that hurt you - in which case you just have to grit your teeth and do it and tell them the pain they have caused you and why you cannot stay with them).
Well why are you breaking up with them? -
Well in that case just tell him that youre sorry but you dont feel the same way anymore. Say that you want to be friends but if its gunna be a problem then you cant be anything at all. Theres nothing else you can do.
clearly you're definition of love and care is different then mine..
You don't or are you just asking, ';How can I tell my parents I want to move away from home?';
y would u ??
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