It has been about 2 weeks since the break up. She was my first girlfriend, love, practically my first kiss, and most importantly.. we both were firsts in sex. I was her first to only sex.. but for me it was everything lol. So we lasted 5 months but had sex 3 months. I tried to wait but it was hard, i made her wait 2 months to say i love you. Ever since we had sex she started acting wierd and being very angry. So after 2 months of her being wierd (wouldnt cuddle with me) and mean to me i broke up with her bc i couldnt handle it. We broke up twice in the end and im still having a tough time getting over her. I sometimes think of her.. not as much as the first week but i wish it would go away. I know we will never be togethor again. Her reason was, she doesnt have feelings for me anymore like she use to. Apparently i was too clingy? idk. I cried when i knew we were officially over for a while. To this day i think of her alot but we dont talk even after we removed each other from fb/aim. Its bc i get jealous and cant be her friend when im around her.. so its the only option i have.. Blahhh it feels like im in a huge hole. I was in love with this girl.. idk what happened. I mean what if she was the one and i let her slip away? I know im only 17.. im hoping to find someone new in college. But idk im so depressed and dk if ill find someone ill like. Thats my problem..... i dont have a problems with girls liking me.. i have a problem with liking girls. I'll think they are cute or hott but it takes alot for them to get me to actually like them. It wierd, im not really shallow. its just how i am.. they say the best way to get over ur ex/first is to find someone new.. but idk if i can do that.. i find it very hard for me to love someone and have them love me back.. anyone ever been in this before?... blah idk what to do.. im so emotional to my friends sometimes.. i feel really bad. I got in a fight with 2 of my best friends for nothing...... ahhh help =\First love/break up story.. help?
it has been said that it takes half the time that you were together to get over someone. if that's true then you have about another month or two maybe. it's gonna be tough since she was your first love ,so don't rush into anything new. you can just hang out with new girls you don't have to date them. hang in groups with them and your friends. distractions are the best way to get over someone besides dating someone new. so keep busy, focus on college and your new life. don't check up on your ex cause if she has moved on it will be torture. when you start thinking of good times remind yourself of some of something mean she did , just to have a clearer picture of how she treated you in the end. last but not least...just give it some time you will be ok.
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