my boyfriend is abusive. to the point where it is way to painful to be with him. but i love him so much which makes it really hard to leave him. i see it as a lose lose situation because its its going to be painful either way... being with him, or losing him.
so what do i do? and how?How do you break up with someone you love? please help?
to be honest depending on the situation you ain't in love u in lust its good to confide in somebody but at the end of the day you know in your heart whats right and what you should do
i hope this is helpfulHow do you break up with someone you love? please help?
It麓s not going to be a lose lose situation because if he麓s being abusive, he麓s not being good to you. You have to talk to him and just tell him it麓s over but you need to be very determined and really believe this is the best for you. Expect him to beg, expect him to tell you he麓ll change, but only if you really believe this is the right decision you麓ll be able to do this. If you don麓t think you麓re ready don麓t do it just yet because if you try and don麓t go through, he麓ll take this for his advantage that he麓s got you. So be very determined and consistent with your decision. You have to understand and realize that once you break up with him he麓ll probably try calling you and getting you back, and you have to be consistent so he understands that you麓re been serious about this. Just know this once more, if you麓ve realized and admit he麓s abusive, then you definitely need to leave him right now.
physically or mentally abusive? if he is physically abusive the answer is clear...get away. people get into patterns of behavior that are hard to break, even at a young age, and you simply can't risk what can happen to you while you are waiting for his behavior to change. people having a relataionship with these people while waiting for them to change can get used to the abuse, end up hurt, maybe dead, most of these people have periods of being very kind and then slip back into that same pattern again. the choice becomes life and death. if it is mental abuse and you don't see this as an insurmountable personality problem, maybe some counseling would help, but don't bet the farm on it...might be best to cut your loses, don't even go into the reasons with him, it will probably just open the door for more abuse. there is no law that says you have to give him a list of reasons for leaving, it's your choice, just move on. time heals all wounds.
love, is a major tough thing to lose. i know it, but abuse is something that should definitely not be put up with. but, if he abuses you and stuff, he probably doesn't love you at all, he just wants you around because you put up with it, and let him hit you. and if you were to stay with him forever and have kids, they would be around that and they would think it was okay to abuse or be abused, and it isn't. i most definitely think you should break up with him, because it could eventually get worse and stuff to.
Just DO IT. You're in love with someone that isn't in love with you. Understand? Just wake up and realize it that it's not love. Tina said it best, ';What's Love Gotta Do With It?'; Do you want to keep getting hurt? If not say it's over, change your number, move. There are mother men I'm sure that are willing to treat you better then him, and appreciate you. Why be with someone that doesn't? Think about it.
if your boyfriend is abusing you, you definately need to break up with him. he has no right to treat you in an unreasonable way. if you feel that breaking up with him will be unbearable, try talking to him. Tell him that you don't like being abused. Tell him that if he doesn't treat you better, you will break up with him.
i think you just have to get to the point with yourself to where you know enough is enough, to the point to where breaking up with someone hurts less than staying with them. I know that doesn't offer much guidance but you are the one that has to decide when that time comes.
abusive?? if u really wanna be with him THAT bad u need to sit down and have a talk with him..or get couples therapy or something! or if your afraid to break up with him in person because ur afraid he might hit your or something, just break up over the phone or text..dont listen to what ppl say about tat and how you should never break up with someone over the phone or something..if your scared of him then its ok.
you should never go out with someone your AFRAID of. you can find someone MUCH better than him, trust me. there are PLENTY of guys out there. ones who WONT hurt you
the truth is that you dont love him, you love the person that you thought he was. well thats not the real him. also you probally think that he will change and it will get better, but let me tell you, no matter what he says he is not right and he wont change. just do it. contact someone frist like 211 on the phone, incase he trys something stupid like hurting you after he left.
we had a class about this stuff =]
i understand. i have been abused by this guy. and i loved him but it soon turned to hate. just explain to him what is going on. if you need help get a bigger guy to explain it. it is very hard and if u need to talk i am here
well leave....
its hard but remember something that doesnt kill you can only make you stronger!
explain the situation to him(tell him everything you wrote)
Get out now. Before children get involved How can you love some one who hurts you??? no one deserves to be hurt
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