I've been dating my boyfriend for 17 months now, and we've lived together for 9 months. Over the living together period, I have slowly come to realize no matter how much I love him, we have nothing to build a future on. He is very needy, self medicates to cover his depression, has bad bill paying habits, and is just simply too unconventional. I actually think he's bi-polar. He is constantly asking if I'm okay, if I still love him, am I mad, etc. He doesn't seem to respect that to love someone doesn't mean you have to spend every waking moment together. I've been married before, and I know I cannot live with this the rest of my life. BUT....unlike past relationships, I still love him very much and wish it would work out, but I'm beating my head against a wall trying and seeing the same problems not change, even after discussing them with him.
HELP!! What do I do?How do I break up w/ someone I love but have no future with??
You will have to find a way to first distance yourself by moving and then break up with him. You've thought this over carefullky, don't double-guess it just because you love him and care about him. That would be unfair to him and to you. It will be difficult, find friends and familiy to lean on for support during the breakup.How do I break up w/ someone I love but have no future with??
Just because you love someone doesn't mean you should be together.
You can't change people, you can't expect them to and if you stick with them your life will be miserable
like that saying:
God, grant me the serenity to
change what I can,
accept what I can't
and wisdom to know the difference
Your situation will not change and you have to accept it. We all have to do this atleast once in our lives.
It's simple, Just be honest but don't be spiteful! Explain that in the long run it'll be best for both of you.
you have answered yr own question. leave him. There might be someone out there well deserve of you.
OMG, with the exception of gender reversal, this is a carbon copy of my own recent situation. I had to brace for the worst and tell her that despite our great love for each other, we had divergent goals and different family responsibilities (I have a sick mother whom I care for). I also had to finally point out her habits and quirks as unacceptable to me without making it seem like an attack.
You need to live your life for yourself before anyone else, despite your feelings for them. What good are you to anyone if you are never going to be happy?
The brutal truth is, you're going to have to hurt him.
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