Have any of you went into a great depression after breaking up with a person you love. Recently I've been having trouble with a girl and now i'm in a very depressed mood, feeling like i'm going to throw up. How long have you been depressed after a break up.How have you felt after breaking up with someone you love?
I have only been in love once besides my husband. I broke it off he was just not the same type of person I was, by the time I broke up with him I was so sick of him that it hurt I was sad, but I was over it fast like 2 weeks.
Once I'm done, I am doneHow have you felt after breaking up with someone you love?
I felt like my heart and my guts were viciously ripped out and throw on the floor. My stomach and my chest just hurt..I had headaches from crying and just from the overall emotion of heartbreak. It just wasn't good. But yeah I definiately became depressed from it..especially since he was my first, and I developed enough trust to allow myself to love him and be loved by him. It takes a lot for me to trust so yeah it was big for me, and for him to just throw me off to the side and avoid me hurt more than anything in the world.
But try to talk to her ok? If you guys can save your relationship, do it. if not, break up with her and just fly solo for a while and let yourself recover. I'm still in the process of recovering and its been over a year...though it may not take you as long. It depends person to person.
Good luck =)
Well let's just put it this way, I know what you're going through and I am sure everyone else does too. I've been with my boyfriend for a year next week and we have broken up one major time. I was on vacation, and he broke up with me. I just remember laying in bed most of the day.. I was with family so I had to try so hard to act like nothing had happened. I had to force myself to eat, and it was hard to sleep. I did throw up, many times. I would eat, and then I'd feel so sick to my stomach I would puke it up. I couldn't even hardly eat. Eventually it got easier, when I got home I hung out with my friends and being around them cheered me up quite a bit. Of course I was still nostalgic for him. We ended up getting back together after a month. I'm not sure I will ever get over him if we break up. It's the worst feeling in the world and I completely understand how you feel. I can say that if you try hard enough you will be happy again. It takes time, and lots of it. There is no magical potion or medicine in the world that will take away the pain of losing someone you truly love. You have to let yourself heal and eventually you will feel better. Hope this helped. If you need someone to talk too.. you can instant message me or email me.
It took a couple hours to sink in.
But the feeling didn't go away for months. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep. I would try to eat and I would open the pantry and food would repulse me. My mother would force me to eat and I would throw it up afterwords (not on purpose). I couldn't sleep I would be so tired but my eyes couldn't close because I saw him in my dreams.
It was like I couldn't breathe without him.
But then, it got better. Find someone new. Find someone you don't have to love, just like. It will get better. Just remember always, IT WILL GET BETTER. (promise)
My husband of 2 years cheated on me twice with two different women...and we have a daughter....things like this happens all the time....the first time he came back ( on his own ) ..... but the second hurted he more ...... like someone took my heart out and keep stabbing it over and over again.....i was on anti depressant ....i drank...i went out every chance i had .... and it was still hurting ....i had a good support from my mom and my friends but at night when i was alone i just cried.....
you know what got me over him.......
a rebound guy ( now my husband for 7 years )
find a rebound person, that really works, but if you are young tell yourself gf only no wifey yet....
good luck
Dats the worst feeling u coould ever feel, feels like ur world comes crashing down on you, but if u can't get THM back then wat else is there, u just gotta move on
i was depressed for a while but u just gotta bounce back and 4get about the person thats what i did and im fine now
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