Monday, August 16, 2010

How do you cope with breaking up with someone you love and have been in love for for 2 and a half years?

I'm in a recent break up and don't know how to deal with it :(How do you cope with breaking up with someone you love and have been in love for for 2 and a half years?

You've gotta learn how to move on. Seeing your ex will just hurt. What I did was remove them from my social networks, deleted them, blocked them, remove them from my phone, got rid of all my gifts, burn notes.

Write your feelings out on a piece of paper. Just write and write, not stopping, letting all of your thoughts flow onto the paper. Don't mail it.

Put it somewhere, read it in a week or so later, and when you do read it, what goes through your head?

You may also want to write reasons why it will never work, and why you do not want to be with her. What you can do about yourself for improvements and what kind of a girl you really want.

I got out of a 2+ year break up as well, it's been months and I'm still not completely over her yet. But I can tell you, that pain has lessened a lot since then. Back when it happened, I thought my life would be over. I suggest you go out and have fun, and try and look at others.How do you cope with breaking up with someone you love and have been in love for for 2 and a half years?
Well depends who made the break up...

if it's you who came up with it and you still think that you are in love with him/her then I would suggest you to make other things and just leave it pass out but if there are no changes i think that you should go back and talk about what was bugging your relationship.

second if the other partner got with the break up then ask him/her about what can you do to make things better and what was the purpose that the other person did it so maybe you can get back together.

It's hard knowing th etruth sometimes but it's better then walking in the same path over and over again.

Good luck
Moving on is the only way to get over it, unfortunately. I don't mean go out and date someone else (but you can if you want to). You need to cleanse your life of the person, so that you can move forward with a clean slate.

1) Get rid of anything that reminds you of that person (love letters, pictures, stuffed animals, gifts, jewelry, etc...). Basically get rid of any item that came out of the relationship. Every time you see them it will make think about the relationship, and you can't move on if it's stuck in your mind.

2) Stop talking to your ex (if you are still). Lose their email, phone #, myspace, facebook, and whatever other contact info. you have on them. Refuse to talk to them if they contact you. Block them from your phone and internet program if they won't leave you alone.

3) Once you've cleansed them out of your life, you need to find other things that make you feel good. Play an instrument, go out with friends, go to the movies, go out to a club, etc... Whatever makes you happy and keeps your mind occupied.

Trust me, eventually you will forget all about the pain, and start wondering why you ever dated that person to begin with.
Allow yourself some time to feel sad. (Decide how much time you will allow yourself to feel sad and that's all - like two days, 24 hours, whatever). At the end of that time, put on a pot of tea, run a hot tub, grab your favorite book or magazine, put lots of bubbles in the tub and have a long realize, cleansing soaking. When you get out tell yourself that all your sadness and hurt went down the drain with the bath water. Then take time to enjoy things you haven't done in awhile while being with this person. Have you taken your grandmother to lunch, have a girls night over for a chick flick and a grown up pajama party, offer to clean your mom's attic. Go volunteer at the local animal shelter, or the local hospital. Join a book club or the local library. Take a class at the local community college like sign language or a foreign language or a physical fitness class. You will have other things keeping your mind occupied and you will be able to forget about your loss, plus you may meet lots of new friends and possibly a new romantic relationship! Good luck and God Bless.
Break up is painful.But you CAN overcome it.For some time you might feel that there is no one else like the person you have loved.But deep down inside you know that its not true.Your mind knows the truth but it takes time for your heart to understand it.If you feel like crying,then by all means do cry your heart out but DON'T REMAIN in THAT STATE. Always remember that God always gives people the best things in life. He doesn't want you to have the second best but He wants you to have the first best.This is not a consolation but it is the fact.

So cheer up and start your new life with enthusiasm. Don't give way to depression but know that every day you are one step closer to the first best.Don't allow yourself to think about the past.Past is Over.You cannot allow your past to determine your future.Every day is precious.

Don't let the past ruin your present.If you are going to think about the past,then you'll be wasting your whole day in depression,anger,hurt etc.Your life is more precious than that.Life is short.So don't allow these things to hinder you from enjoying your everyday life.Tell your mind and heart to ';Move on'; .Reprogram your heart and mind.

Listen to good friends,music(not the sad songs/songs of hopelessness/failure /despair;but rather listen to happy songs,calm music and songs of hope and peace)learn some nice dance/pursue a forgotten hobby/work out a bit more than usual and keep your body fit than ever before.Prepare yourself for the BEST.Your best days are ahead :) ..Cheer up buddy :)
First off, I know how hard this is and it will continue to be tough for a little while longer but you will recover. Break ups and broken hearts are just part of some of the things we have to deal with as adults.

I too have had my heart broken a couple of times and am a better person because of it, believe me I know it hurts but in time you will heal and love again.

Some things that I found helped was spending time with family (I know the last thing you prob want to do is hang out with family but it does help!), talk and spend time with friends, get to know you again and find out what you want.

You'll feel better soon.

Take Care :)
My darling...x

Breaking up with someone is not easy !

I know i have been there.

You'd usually get answers like find someone eles, but its not that easy.

You think your never going to get over you loss and that it will hurt forever.

Believe me it doesn't !

I agree with The 1st answer, Music !

I listened to a lot of music , and one song [strong again-N-Dubz] made me feel a hell of a lot better !

Despite what you think, you'll live, and when you do get over it , you'll think back and say

';Uuuh, why on earth did i like that person ?!';

Hhahah, seriously you will !

You'll find your sould mate !
i am going though the same thing!

me and my boyfriend of 2 years and 6 months

just broke up about 3 weeks ago

and it is so hard getting over it.

i don't know if there is a certain

thing you can do to get over it

but what i do is i just think positive.

you know like..

fine if he doesn't want me

or if we broke up maybe it was for the better.

i try to think about what i can do now

in my future, instead of looking at what i lost.

i also try to occupy my time more.

like i will go to the gym two times a day,

i hangout with my friends and family more...etc

things like that.

i just try to keep busy and

stay positive.

its really all you can do

cause you cant just complain about

what you lost, you just need to stay

positive and think of

what you can have now

and everything in your future.

good luck!
just don't think of them. Listen to some music and just lay low for a bit an once you don't see them, time will heal all wounds. If you have a hobby submerge yourself in it an get to know yourself again, it helps alot after all when you spend that much time with someone you need to get to know who you are again, not who you where with.
its probs gonna take you a while to get over it, and you have to cry and let it out.

try and do activities that require either alot of strength or thought, or just something that you really enjoy doing and can loose yourself in, for me that painting.

try new things, go out and meet new people,

i say be together with your friends alot, maybe a girly night in, or go out shopping, or have a party i know you might not feel like it, but anything tot take your mind of it would help.

i hope you will feel better :)
Nothing new - just start thinking about something else, talk with your friends about it, cry everything out and leave him to the past. You have to let this love go away - for the next one to come. Remember only the good things, don't be angry, and don't become those crazy ex-girls. Keep your head high! It is not the end of the world. Now , at least, you won't have to wear gstring all the time : D
Maybe try talking to the person and see what they think about the whole thing, maybe yous could work things out.

and if this is not an option.. You should maybe find something new to focus on and try your best not to think about him/her.. May be hard but you need to try your best. and try not to let silly things you hear that he/she has done with another girl/boy annoy you too much.

Good luck with that, hope your alrite and hope this helps (:
I h appenned to me. I was in a 2 year relationship and the guy up and just decided to leave me for someone else. I woke up every morning with heart palpitations wanting to die for like 3 months. Tried suicide, hated life. Eventually, slowly - I got my life back.

a year later - I met someone SO much better.

give it time. find distractions. lean on your friends. Nothing wrong with some tv, reading, movies, outings,etc.
Just try to stay occupied. Hang out with friends and family, play sports, find a hobby you can be passionate about and enjoy.

If you feel like the relationship still has a chance and is worth repairing you should give this website a look:

It might be able to help.

Good Luck,

you'll never forget this person that you spent so much time with.. and put so much effort in the relationship.. but somewhere it went sour cause your obvioulsy not together.. and that sucks.. been there done that..

its going to be with you for awhile til you can truly say your totally moved on.. and how to get to that place is time..

good luck..
keep yourself busy, focus on yourself, even changing yourself, its always good to try and recreate yourself as something else, i know people say you shouldnt change, but the results are always different, it could benefit you mentally, and physically, get into a hobbie, spend time with mates
It takes time , take one day at a time and don't expect to much of yourself , if you have a good circle of friends call on them for a shoulder to lean on . Just look after yourself and try to stay busy .
It took me several years to extinguish the smouldering flame I had for my first love. Trsut me, you will get over it.

Go and meet new people in different places from the ones you used to frequent. Smile and be yourself.

Good luck.
You can go out and try to meet someone new or you can try to some new things or travel. Learn the play a new instrument, do something that takes time and will make you stop thinking about him or her
These things worked for me-



talking to friend on phone

hanging out with friends

watching feel good movies

taking evening classes

Generally speaking keep yourself busy so you have less time to think about your ex.

lolly xox
Gospel Quartet - Turn Your Radio On will help sooth the pain鈥?/a>
cry alot and eat ben and jerrys ice cream get your friends over and watch funny movies and get them to help you throught it.
Go out and have fun! This person has left your life now so you need to find something to fill it. Take up a new hobby or something with your mates!
it's easy. Go out with your friends and find someone else that makes you happy. Trust me. Plenty of fish in that big 'ol sea!
well...try to shop with your friends. put in a really funny movie and invite ya friends over. oh! try yoga!
cry as long as you'd like..go out with your friends...listen to music and keep yourself occupied..shoot that's what im doing.

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