Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How can u break up with someone you love who begs and begs for you to stay with them?

I been tryin to break up with my boyfriend but everytime I try he begs me not to do it i always give in even though im not feeling him anymore how can i get rid of this man?How can u break up with someone you love who begs and begs for you to stay with them?
Just tell him (again) you're not interested. It seems that he's ';addicted'; to you, and that could be unhealthy (for him and for you). If worse comes to worse, though you may not want to do this, there is somthing called a Restraining Order! :D

You two should sit down and have a long talk. Talk about why you're not feeling him anymore, maybe it can be fixed? If not, then you need to let him know, in a firm tone, that this is the end. That you are no longer going to give in to him. He's just going to have to deal with it like a mature adult.

Hope this helps.How can u break up with someone you love who begs and begs for you to stay with them?
You have to be firm hun, I know it feels like you're being mean or something but hey I'm sure he's a big boy and can deal with it. Tough love and all that, it's actually nicer to him to do it that way, it makes it clear and makes him realise there's no point in his persistance. Nothing worse than when you think there may still be a chance and you have that small glimmer of hope, so you gotta tell him that this is not the case and there is no chance of you two again. Be kind, but firm with him. Good luck.
Put your foot down. If he begs tell him that's not going to work anymore, you've made up your mind.

If you don't do this you will be stuck with someone that you ';aren't feeling anymore'; and could miss some great opportunities to meet someone that you may be better suited for.

Good Luck!
tell him hes a whiney ***** and that hes too clingy. trust me he'll get over it, and lying is not the way to go in this one. sounds like a nice guy, tell him the truth he'll accept it.

but trust me he will try to win you back,,, if he can
Tell him it's over. Period. If he gets obssessive, (ie, threatening future boyfriends, stalking) get a restraining order. Immediately
just be like: its over he shouldnt have to beg you just have to end it and walk away.
Get a new boyfriend who is big enough to handle him lol
just have do but sadly u will break him n his life
just suck up and do it it may be hard but its not fair to him to drag him out but in the meen time im at chris_wells91@yahoo.com
slap the ***** and take his money

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