how should i dwell on (break up) on it?What is the best thing to do after a break up with someone you love?
Assuming the break up really was the best thing to do (if she broke up with you, there's nothing you can do about it; if you broke up with her, try to honestly ascertain whether your reason for doing so was sound), you may do best by just grieving for a while. If your loved one had died, would you immediately jump into bed with someone else? Would you go out and party 'til you puked? I doubt it. You'd think about what great times you'd had together, you'd think about what made her wonderful, you'd wonder what kind of life you could have had together had she lived. You cry and you'd grieve. Well...consider her dead. For all intents and purposes, isn't this the case? So do all those things.
Of course, there's one catch: the relationship didn't end because she died, it ended because it wasn't a good relationship. Even if YOU think it was, she didn't think so, or she wouldn't have broken up with you (that's the way it was, wasn't it?). If you don't both agree that it's a good relationship, then it's not. So after doing some of the heavy grieving as suggested above, try to move into the ';dead relationship'; grieving: think about what a shame it was that the relationship didn't work; think about how sorry you are that she turned out not to be the love of your life; think about how lucky you are to have another chance, now, to find that wonderful soul mate, that one lady who will agree with you that THIS is a good relationship; daydream about what she's like; fantasize about your life together with her (and on those last 2 bits, don't insert your ex's face--be fair to the true love who's yet to come along, be ready to recognize her for who she is, not for who's she not--that is, your ex).
Good luck.What is the best thing to do after a break up with someone you love?
Move on.
continue living your life. if youre meant for each other, you would be hookin up with her in the end. if not, then youd find somebody else more appropriate for you.
Make a major life change so you can get out your routine you were in when you were together.
For example i broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years then I went back to school and got a degree and a new job!
i broke up with my boyfriend or about 6 months and I moved to a new apartment.
Move on and use life experience to help you do it!
Get out and have fun.
I know it's hard not to dwell, but try not too. It's for the best, even though it probably doesn't feel like it. Do things you love to do, hang out with friends and don't let urself think about it. Good luck
Talk about it as much as you can.This will bring any sorrow out of your heart.Use your fishing rod again and catch a nice fish.There are plenty of them out there.
Ok, not every solution works. Some never do. But what I suggest you do, is wait a month. If you still feel guilty about it and as if the break up was wrong and or unnecessary (like is often the case for anyone) talk to person you broke up with/who broke up with you and see if the she wants to renew the relationship and/or still be friends. If you don't get an answer, forget about the bratty girl and move on to someone else, who might be better for you.
find a rebound person as fast as you can
Talk 2 her. The longer u wait the worse it will get. Tell her u still love her. Good luck.
have fun with your friends!!! do something that you love and enjoy. explore new things around you!!!
try to be friends if there is a possibility yall might get back with each other.
this is crass but lots of people say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else
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