Monday, August 16, 2010

How would u break up with someone u really love.?

i want to break up with my guy.but it is difficulty for me how will i do it.his attitude is too un callful. he does not care about u n the signals shows he does not love you any more.How would u break up with someone u really love.?
Just say I love you, but I can't continue going with someone who treats me with disrespect. If I do, I will begin to disrespect myself. He will either wake up and ask you not to break up with him and tell you he will change, or he will act as if he doesn't care. If he does the later, he doesn't deserve you and you deserve to be treated better.How would u break up with someone u really love.?
you sort of contradict yourself here. You say you really love him, but he treats you badly. Based on this info there is no good advice to give.
';he who follows his own heart is a fool'; proverbs

You have to do what you think is right and not let your emotions get in the way, let wisdom guide you so that you may walk righteously. I see far too many women who let their feelings control them; when they realize they are in control, that they do not need to put up with man's evil ways, the world will be better.
There is no nice way to break up with a person, but if you are really sure that he doesn't care about you any longer tell him that and that you feel you are going to be better alone.
Just talk to him!!!!

THAT's YOUR Life - why should you spent it with a jork like him?!?!?!?!

BE BOLD girl!!! COMMON!!!
dump him. tell him that he doesn't deserve you, and you're ending things. why do you love him if he acts like that?
What you really need to think about is not what you should do, but rather what you should NOT do.

These include not doing it by text, do not do it by e mail.

If at all possible do it face to face, and answer all questions truthfully.

Do not give false hope (why are you breaking up with someone you love?) what is more confusing than being told that you are being dumped yet you are still loved? That will only give him false hope that you can get together again.

And the big one, do not have someone else set up before you dump him, that is just cruel.

Even if you do all this, and he loves you, allow him to be angry, unreasonable, and distraught. He may well be inconsolable.

If he doesn't love you than it will be easy and he will walk away, but if he does still love you then its only natural that he will be very angry with you. You could well break his heart and he has done nothing wrong.
I wouldnt.

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