Monday, August 16, 2010

How to break up with someone who still loves you?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for the past year. I love him, but I'm not in love with him (lol). He has wrapped up all his happiness around me. I can't break his heart, but I don't want to sacrifice my life for his happiness.

I have tried to break-up with him, but I always chicken out. It breaks my heart to break his heart.How to break up with someone who still loves you?
You're just too nice of a person! But sometimes we have to listen to our hearts and do the best thing even if we know it will hurt.

All that you have to do is sit down with him and tell him something like, ';This might hurt but this is how i'm feeling now. I need to tell you and hope that you will understand.'; And then tell him what's on your heart. It's hard to do but you will be glad you did.How to break up with someone who still loves you?
And don't forget to be nice about it!

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You need to be honest, don't lead him on. He deserves to know how you really feel. He will eventually get over it. Do him a favor and tell him, so that he can have a chance to find someone who does love him.

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