Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How do you break up with someone you love because of money issues?

My boyfriend and I have been dating two years. He makes about $120k a year and I make $35k. We have major differences when it comes to how money should be spent. He believes in hired help such as maids, cooks for parties etc., whereas I believe that a penny saved is a penny earned and don't believe in any of that. We were considering moving in together but we have very different views on money and how it should be spent, so much that I am considering not moving in with him at all and breaking up.

But how do you break up with someone you love? I love everything about him but we can't seem to reach a compromise with money. I have tried breaking up with him multiple times, but I always run back to him because I miss him. I wish he made less money because then we wouldn't have this problem and he would see where I'm coming from. How do I convince myself to find someone else without going back to him and looking like a fool? How do I break away? Please help.How do you break up with someone you love because of money issues?
You aren't being a fool! In fact, I think that you are being incredibly realistic %26amp; intelligent about all of this! Money matters are very important in a relationship, especially if there is a marked difference in incomes. If you do decide to break up with him, rest assured that you won't be the first to come to such a decision.

As for money issues, I think that you need to sit down with him %26amp; tell him everything that is going on in your head right now. This includes the wanting to break up with him over the money issues. You both need to sit down %26amp; decide whether it is in your best interests to stay together %26amp; if so, how will the bills be split. Don't let him strongarm you into staying- stick to what you think is best.

At the same time though... I can't help but think that there are other issues there besides money. Money is definitely something that people fight over, but for you to want to break up over him having too much money... there's got to be more to that story. I think that whatever that something is, you need to realize that this too is an issue that needs to be addressed %26amp; vocalised when the two of you have your conversation.How do you break up with someone you love because of money issues?
Breaking up over money is petty-but money is the number one reason why couples separate. How working with him on his views on money and ask him to start a savings account for bills, household items, ect? Have a joint account for the house and separate accounts for personal spending allowances.
look girl he just happy he made something out of himself making good money, if he got the money let him spent it its his earnings, and you spend yours how you feel fit, if you love him then money issue is kinda a stupid reason to break up with him for. Some people like to do things like that if there finacial set.
When you break up with him, do so kindly, so that you can eventually be friends.

But once you break up, go a month without communicating with him. No texts, emails, calls, etc. And keep yourself busy! You need this time to become independent once again.

Good luck!
Get over it u idiot and stop being picky, so you dont agree, sit down like adults and disuss it. If i new my bf was planning on breaking up with me coz i liked to spend the money I earned on what i liked i dont think i'd wana be with him... some people have real problems, deal with it.
Money is the root of all evil. Don't let it separate you. Sit down with him and have a talk about it. Love is more important than money. Plus if he can afford to hire you both a maid for a day then why not?
You say you've broken up with him multiple times before. Maybe you're just looking for an excuse to end it all.
You don't!, you do not fall for someone, for money or fall out of love for money. It is a problem to deal with at times, if it is to much or not enough. But every relationship has problems, it is these problems that determine what kind of person you are to become. A better partner and a better lover. There will be much greater problems in your future, so be careful how you deal with this small one or the bigger ones may overwhelm you. Good luck with your choices.
well i wouldn't just break up because honestly i think that's a really stupid reason to break up, no offense. I can understand like because there isn't enough money have u have a crying baby and all that stuffs but ur pretty well off it seems. but maybe come to a compromise between buying stuff and doing it yourself. i would just sit and talk to him and work it out between u too since communication is one of the top things u need to do in a relationship. and i would say working out a minor problem like this is much better then just throwing it all away.
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