my first true love has told me how he truely feels and i have said for 3 + years that it didn't matter who i was with that if that surton person told me to come be with them i would do it in a heart beat. Now i don't know how to end the relationship i've been in for the last year, just to start a new relationship. Anyone have any help please let me know...How do you break up with someone you love without hurting them?
You tell him that you're very confused about what you want from life and that your love for him isn't where it was a year ago. You say you don't want to hurt him, but the longer you wait to do this the harder it will be on both of you. You cry with him, you leave him with dignity and you pray to God that he wasn't 'the one' for you. That's what you do.How do you break up with someone you love without hurting them?
Tell him the truth.Just sit down and,talk to him,try to make him understand.Be kind,but firm.I don't know all the particulars in your relationship,but I do know truth is the best way to go.I hope you are doing the right thing,You have to follow your heart.Because if you don't,when you are an old lady like me,you will sit and wonder what you life would have been.Go for it!!!!!!
I am trying to get this straight. For three and a half years, you have had your eyes on another guy. You have said you would run to his arms in a heartbeat. Am I right so far?
During this time that you are waiting to be summoned, you have been going with another guy, who loves you. Instead of being honest with him and telling him you are ';in love'; with another, you have kept him on the string and now that the love call has sounded, you can't figure out how to break off with him.
I don't know your age, but you are certainly loyal, waiting around for more than three years for your ';true love'; to admit his feelings. He seems like a slow learner to me. You can only speak honestly with your current boyfriend and he may be terribly hurt.
I have a feeling you may end up with neither of these guys. You have to be honest with the one you are splitting with at the moment, and let's hope your true love is as true as you would like him to be.
Well, perhaps so. Good luck with your tangled emotional life. Remember, if you are very young, you may meet three or four ';true loves'; along the way. Just relax and let life happen.
My boyfriend broke up with me knowing that it was going to kill me, when I asked the obvious questions like, why? what could change your mind? is there someone else? do you still love me? All of the answers I got proved that he still loves me. But sometimes you just have to let something go in order to see if it was meant to be, and if it was it will come back 10 times stronger.
say you're gay.
i would be pissed if i was your g.f/ ur pretty much were using her to fill the time gap until she asked you back. that sux
to be honest you can't. and why would you want to be with some one that made you wait til they were done with their personal life just to start something that might go bad with in the first week.
There is no easy way out of this. No matter what you say or do the person with whom you are breaking up with is going to be hurt. Be honest and direct with them. Keep it short and don't go deep into details about why you are ending the relationship. Don't give them false hope about the possibility of getting back together - they will ask.
just tell him,but, you shouldn't have used him like this, he has a right to have happiness, and not to be just used until your other becond for shouldn't treat people like's not a game, people have feelings and will get wishes to all concerned.
That sounds wonderful. however, I don't know how you feel about karma but it will come back to you if you break up like that. Take it from me. I left my b/f of 3 yrs to be with someone else and the ';someone else'; left me after 3yrs for the same reason. It took forever to get over it and I never stopped thinking about my ex-b/f. I thought I was making the best decision of my life cause it was something I really wanted. 10yrs later it still haunts me. Also my father did the same to my mother and he has said that it was the worst thing he could have ever done; going on 14yrs and now he is working overtime trying to get her back. I suggest that you stay in the old relationship if the person treats you as good as you deserve. If not then leave for that reason, at least then you won't regret it. I wish you the best, as I know how it feels to really desire to be with someone you have waited this long for.
If this is truly someone you love, you will end the relationship with them just for someone who made you wait 3 years for them? I don't get that. Anyways, think about it and make sure this is the decision you want to make, then tell your current bf the truth, honesty is always the best policy, he will be hurt either way and you shouldn't care about someone you are with and really don't love. Just tell him and move on. He will get over it eventually.
How can you go to someone, who made you wait 3+years, deciding if he wants you or doesn't want you. I personally would think this one over. And no matter how you break up. if this person knows why, he is going to feel that he have been used. and he will be hurt no matter which way you go.
how old are you?? Do you even know what true love is?
I think you are so puzzeled that ,You are unable to write the issue properly, this is certainly the problem is with you enterly.
Consult A good Psycologist in person.If possile take someone from your family who knows you from your childhood.with you.
This is Acute Dippresion.
move in a vacation with family in hills.
There is really no way to break up with someone you love and who loves you without hurting them, but it is best to end the relationship if you are attracted to someone else.
The first thing that you need to do is talk with your first true love. Ask him if he just started realizing that he liked you or if he has liked you for a long time. That will help you decide whether to leave your current boyfriend. If he just now started liking you, it may be because you a rewith someone else or for any reason. You need to find out if his intentions are true or not.
After you talk with him and you think his intentions are real, then go ahead and go for it. However, realize what you are throwing away. Because, if it doesn't work out between you two then the other guy will most likely not come back to you. In that case, you will be alone and heartbroken.
Good luck and God bless. Remember only you can decide what is right for you. Let your heart lead the way!
why would you brake up with them if you love them. i think you need to figure out if you really know what love is or not first/
Keep your fists to yourself then they should be ok. No hitting = no hurting
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